Koriyama Plant Completes Adoption of Practically CO2 Free Electricity
As part of its efforts towards carbon neutrality, Nippon Denko Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has fully adopted practically CO2 free electricity at its Koriyama Plant (Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture).
The company has purchased "FIT Non-Fossil Certificates with Tracking (Note)", which represent the environmental value of CO2 emission-free electricity. This includes tracking electricity generated by our Hidaka hydroelectric power plants.
The Koriyama Plant, which serves as the base for our environmental systems business, handles the manufacturing and maintenance of wastewater treatment equipment for industrial wastewater and pure water production system, which is utilized for hydrogen production and other applications. The Company introduced self-consumption solar power generation facilities at the Koriyama plant in February 2022 and has been reducing its CO2 emissions. As a result of this initiative, all electricity used at the Koriyama plant will come from practically 100% renewable energy sources, resulting in zero CO2 emissions from electricity consumption.
In addition to this initiative, we have created a distinctive logo to embody our efforts. We will ship products with this logo from the Koriyama Plant, delivering "environmentally friendly products" to our customers, and promoting the value of these products.

The Company considers sustainability to be a key management strategy, and one of our most important challenges is to "Tackle challenges to achieve carbon-neutrality in 2050, aiming at the conservation of a sustainable global environment and realization of a decarbonized society." We will continue our efforts to contribute to a sustainable society through these initiatives.
(Note) FIT Non-Fossil Certificates with Tracking
A certificate for trading the environmental value of electricity from renewable energy sources subject to the FIT system. Implementing tracking enables the identification of the renewable energy sources that derive the environmental value.
The certificates we have purchased this time are valid from April 2023 to June 2024.