Development of the World's Thinnest Terahertz Wave Absorbing Film for 6G
Nippon Denko Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has developed an ultrathin terahertz wave absorbing film for the 0.1-1 THz range in collaboration with a research group led by Professor Shin-ichi Ohkoshi from the Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo. This material is expected to contribute to the prevention of electromagnetic wave interference and the improvement of device sensitivity using terahertz waves in the following fields: Sixth-generation mobile communication systems (6G), digital healthcare (remote and home patient care and health management using non-contact biological information monitoring, such as wearable devices), security sensing including automatic driving and safety systems, and terahertz astronomy and space fields (radio telescopes).
The research group led by Professor Ohkoshi and the Company has succeeded in developing a surface-coated lambda-type titanium oxide and has created the world's thinnest terahertz wave absorbing film, which is just 48 µm thick. A surface-coated lambda-type titanium oxide is an environmentally friendly, inexpensive, and safe material comprised solely of titanium and oxygen atoms. It is also resistant against heat, light, water and organic solvents, making it suitable for use in outdoor environments and under harsh conditions.
The research results were published in the American scientific journal “ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.”