Nippon Denko

Nippon Denko at a Glance

Nippon Denko
at a Glance

Our strengths, defining characteristics, and vision

About Nippon Denko

The Nippon Denko Group traces its origins to producing ferroalloys to add to iron to achieve the desired properties, and we have developed continuously since then by finding applications for the roots of our original business-electric furnaces and metallurgical technology-in a wide range of fields. We currently help society advance through our four core businesses: Ferroalloys, Functional Materials, Environment, and Electric Power.

Sales/Profit by Business
(consolidated, year ended December 2024)

Sales by Business Sales by Business

History of Our Core Technologies and Development

  • 1925

    Ferroalloys: Our Original Business

    The Nippon Denko Group traces its origins to producing ferroalloys using electric furnaces that run on hydropower. We have manufactured manganese ferroalloys from the start, and our high quality has earned the customers’ trust and made us Japan’s top supplier.

    History of Our Core Technologies and Development

  • 1935

    From Hydropower Plant Operation to
    Electric Power business

    In the beginning, our electric furnaces ran on hydropower. We are promoting initiatives to supply clean energy, and in 2014, our Horomangawa Hydroelectric Power Plants in Hokkaido were approved for the Japanese government’s Feed-In Tariff (FIT) system for renewable energy.

    History of Our Core Technologies and Development

  • 1960

    From Electric Furnace Operating Technology to Functional Materials business

    We applied the technology to operate our ferroalloy-producing electric furnaces in other fields to branch out into the Functional Materials business. We currently produce a wide array of high-performance materials for electronic parts, batteries, and more.

    History of Our Core Technologies and Development

  • 1973

    From Factory Wastewater Treatment to
    Aqua Solutions business

    Factories are required to remove metals and chemical compounds from their wastewater to conserve the environment. We market our know-how in this area in the form of Aqua Solutions business to contribute to recycling water resources and environmental conservation.

    History of Our Core Technologies and Development

  • 2002

    From Electric Furnace-Based Waste Treatment to Incineration Ash Recycling business

    At our Kashima Office electric furnaces were originally used to produce ferroalloys. We have since channeled the excess capacity into recycling incineration ash, and have even installed new electric furnaces especially for this purpose to help achieve a recycling-based society.

    History of Our Core Technologies and Development

  • Our Vision

    Aiming to be a company on a constant quest for a better future by supporting people’s lives through materials and the environment, we strive to realize this vision by providing products, technologies, and services that help achieve carbon neutrality and reduce environmental impact.

    Nippon Denko by the Numbers
    (consolidated, year ended December 2024)

    Nippon Denko by the Numbers Nippon Denko by the Numbers

    What We Do


    Ferroalloys are an important component of most iron products. They make steel stronger as well as more resistant to corrosion, etc. and improve other properties of nearly all iron products.
    Ferroalloys are omnipresent in all kinds of iron products from buildings, bridges, and automobiles to petroleum and gas pipelines. In this way, the ferroalloys we produce are an essential part of the infrastructure supporting your daily life.


    Uses of ferroalloys

    Uses of ferroalloys

    SpotlightGreen Ferroalloy Production

    Pertama Ferroalloys Sdn. Bhd., a Malaysian affiliate (25% stake). secures competitive green electricity from the largest hydropower facility in Southeast Asia (Bakun Dam, 2,400 MW) for electricity-intensive ferroalloy production.

    Green Ferroalloy Production

    List of ferroalloy products

    Functional Materials

    We produce high-performance, high-quality materials for batteries and electronic parts on the strength of our metallurgical and powder technologies.
    Our functional materials are used in a number of advanced materials, including capacitors and other electronic parts, and batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles, thus helping create a sustainable society.

    • Functional Materials
    • Functional Materials
    • Functional Materials

    SpotlightZirconium Oxide from Nippon Denko

    Zirconium oxide is used to make the ceramic capacitors in the electrical circuits of digital home appliances, computers, and other digital devices.

    Usage of zirconium oxide

    List of functional materials

    Incineration Ash Recycling

    Most waste generated by households is first incinerated and then disposed of in landfills without being recycled.
    We use electric furnaces to melt and solidify that incineration ash for recycling, thereby achieving a perfect recycling and contributing to a sound material-cycle society (circular economy).

    • Incineration Ash Recycling
    • Incineration Ash Recycling
    • Incineration Ash Recycling

    Defining Characteristics

    1. Helps extend the life of limited landfill sites
    2. Recovers gold, silver, copper, and other valuable metals from incineration ash
    3. Reduces the environmental impact of mining natural crushed rock through sale of artificial crushed stone byproduct (ECOLAROCK)

    Melting & Solidification of Incineration Ash

    More Details

    • A video on our Melting & Solidification of Incineration Ash Business

      A video on our Incineration Ash Recycling Business

    Incineration Ash Recycling Business Incineration Ash Recycling Business

    Aqua Solutions

    We lease and sell wastewater treatment equipment that adsorb and recover heavy metals and other substances from wastewater and also sell Pure Water Production System required to manufacture hydrogen, all to help reduce environmental impact and accelerate the shift to a hydrogen-based society.

    • Environment

    Characteristics of Environmental Systems Business

    1. Prevents pollution and recycles water resources
    2. Recycles valuables recovered from wastewater
    3. Facilitates the shift to a hydrogen-based society with Pure Water Production System

    Environmental Systems business
    Wastewater Treatment Equipment

    Facilitating the shift to a hydrogen-based society

    Demineralizers for Ene-Farm
    (home-use fuel cells)

    Ene-Farm (home-use fuel cells) are gaining popularity as an alternative energy source. The fuel cells generate electricity from hydrogen extracted from gas, a process that requires purified water.
    We are using the technology we have built up over the years to branch out into these fuel cell fields.

    Environmental Systems business

    Pure Water Production System for onsite hydrogen stations

    Commercial hydrogen stations began appearing in 2013. In response, we started selling our Pure Water Production System in earnest. The next year, Toyota Motor released its first fuel cell vehicle, and the installation of hydrogen stations continued. For some background, the hydrogen station unveiled at Expo 2005 in Aichi featured MR PACK, and we captured the top share in Japan for onsite hydrogen stations.

    Environmental Systems business

    More Details

    • Video on our Koriyama Plant

      Video on our Koriyama Plant

    • Video on our Wastewater treatment equipment and Pure Water Production System

      Video on our Wastewater treatment equipment and Pure Water Production System

    Aqua Solutions Business

    Electric Power

    We are helping to achieve a carbon-neutral society through our initiatives to generate clean, renewable energy at the Horomangawa Hydroelectric Power Plants in Hokkaido

    • Electric Power
    • Electric Power
    • Electric Power
    • Electric Power
    • Electric Power
    • Electric Power

    Defining Characteristics

    1. Owns one of the largest privately held dam reservoirs
    2. Sells electricity through the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) system for renewable energy
    3. Provides a stable supply of green electricity to help achieve a carbon-neutral society

    Horomangawa Hydroelectric Power Plants

    Electric Power

    More Details

    • Nippon Denko Company Profile

      Nippon Denko Company Profile

    Nippon Denko Compendium

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    All Rights Reserved.