Materiality in the Nippon Denko Group
Our management philosophy is to help create an affluent future through sustainable growth by developing and providing distinctive products, technologies, and services. Under this philosophy, we consider sustainability to be a key management strategy for achieving the dual aims of “contributing to the resolution of societal issues through our business activities” and “increasing our corporate value through sustainable growth.”
Our process and approach for identifying materiality
We undergo the following formulation process to clarify materiality -those that could impact our corporate value and the course of our management over the long term-in addition to identifying critical risks and opportunities.
We recognize that in order to realize our management philosophy-"helping create an affluent future” by “developing and providing distinctive products, technologies, and services”-we must contribute to a sustainable society through business activities that facilitate decarbonization and the transition to a circular economy in addition to reducing the environmental impact of our activities.
We are also aware of the support we receive from our diverse stakeholders toward making those contributions, and understand that maintaining good relationships with them on all aspects is essential for the Group’s sustainability. We will invest proactively in our human capital-uthe source of our competitiveness-incorporate diversity, and strengthen relations with our business partners while increasing our corporate value over the medium-to long-term through constructive communication with investors, local communities, and other stakeholders.
Step 1 |
List the impacts of environmental changes on our businesses in terms of our management philosophy List closely linked changes to the environment to which the long-term direction of our businesses toward achieving our management philosophy, and list the material issues for the Group to tackle |
Step 2 |
Consult guidelines and other resources to create exhaustive lists to accompany the lists from Step 1
Step 3 |
Discussion and approval by management Discuss the lists from Step 2 and identify material issues at the Sustainability Committee |